A Summarized Version of Al-Hizb al-A’zam (or The Supreme Daily Dhikr), is a litany by the great scholar Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari, in which he gathered hundreds of comprehensive supplications from the Holy Qura’n and Ahadeeth and compiled them into a prayer book for the purpose of recitation.
This work has earned great popularity in the Muslim world; and almost became a part of the daily ritual for all.
It is divided into seven parts, one for each day of the week in order to facilitate regular recitation
Easy to read Arabic (Persian or the common Indo/Pak) Script is used so as to make it easier to read for non Arabic Speakers
This translation is based on the Urdu Translation by Qutbul Arfeen Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Badr-e-Alm Madani