This is the arabic version of Fazail e Amaal with Tahqiq (Research) by Abdul Rasheed al-Nadwi Teacher of Hadith at Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulema.
The Content this book includes:
- Al-Salah
- Al- Siyam
- Al-Qur’an al-Hakim
- Al-Adhkar wal Azkia
- Al-Da’wa ila Allah
- Asbab Sa’datil Muslimin Wa Nafaisihim
About Fazail Amaal
Fazail Amaal is a vast treasure of fundamental Islamic teachings put together with great efforts by Maulvi Muhammad Zakariyya (Rah), one of the most untiring elders of Tablighi Jamaat . Consisting of chapters like Stories of Sahabah, Virtues of Salaat, Holy Qur’an, Tabligh, Dhikr, Ramadan and Muslim Degeneration and its remedy; and armed with immense persuasive power.
The book arouses in the reader, the fear of Allah and a fervent desire to mould one’s life according to the Islamic teachings. The Glossary of important Islamic terms given as an appendix has greatly enhanced the value of the book.
About The Author
Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi was born in the village of Kandhal (in Uttar Pradesh, India) on Ramadan 1315 AH (1898 CE).
His full name was Muhammad Zakariyya ibn Muhammad Yahya ibn Muhammad Isma‘il, and his lineage continues all the way back to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), the great Companion of the Messenger (upon him be peace).
He spent 55 years teaching Ahadith. of which 45 years were spent in teaching Bukhari Sharif. As an author he wrote many important books. Awjazul-Masalik, commentary of Muwatta Imam Malik in fifteen volumes and La’miud-Dirari, commentary of Sahih-al-Bukhari, consisting of over ten volumes. He has also written a compilation of books on virtues in various different subjects.
In the last century, India has undoubtedly become an important center for the study of hadith, and the scholars of India have become well-known for their passion for religious knowledge. Upon them ended the era of leadership in teaching hadiths, codification of the special fields (funun) of hadith, and commentary upon its texts (mutun).
He was given the honorary title of Shaykh al-Hadith, or “Great Scholar of Hadith,” by his teacher, Shaykh Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, who recognized his deep insight, clear-sightedness, and extensive knowledge of hadith and related sciences.
Maulana Zakariyya Died in 1402 AH (1982).