Towards Understanding The Qur’an is a fresh and highly readable English rending of Tafheem Al-Qur’an by Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi’s mastering Urdu translation and commentary. An immense wealth of profound understanding of the Qur’an, so is a vast treasure of knowledge and deep insights. Illuminating historical account, philological discussion and a highly systematic exposition of social, political, economic and legal teachings. But what makes this Tafseer unique is that it translates the Qur’an into a book to be lived by, a mission to be lived for and a duty that a reader can no longer evade or postpone. This rare quality is imparted not only by the depth of his scholarship and style of exposition, but also because Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi lived by what he expounded, as his life abundantly proves.
This Tafseer answers contemporary question, and makes the qur’an fully relevant to the concerns of our day, yet it loses nothing of its timelessness nor sacrifices any of the traditional understanding. It demonstrates the unity and coherence of the Qur’an by cantering everything in it on its message, like gems hung on a string. Each surah is prefaced by an account of its background and teaching. Map and indexes add greatly to the understanding.