With the highest praise to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and with Darood and Salaam to Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe iuciallam, these few pages are being presented to our readers to bring oLt the virtues of Sadaqaat (spending for the cause of Allah). As mentioned in the preface to my booklet on Fazail-e-Hajj, my late uncle Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Rahmatullah alaihe was deeply interested in the publication of a book on this subject and, in the last days of his life, he repeatedly urged me to write one. So much so that, once while standing for Asr Salaat when `Takbeer’ was being called, he leaned forward from the row and said to this humble author, “Do not forget that book”. In those days of his illness, Maulana did not lead Salaat; he joined the Jama’at.
Despite all that urgency and insistence from him, the delay on my part continued, resulting in repeated postponements. Fortu-nately, in Shawwal 1366 A.H. my stay in Nizamuddin was prolong-ed, as mentioned in the preface to Fazail-e-Hajj; and there seemed no likelihood of my return to Saharanpur even after the completion of that book. So, at long last, a start on this book was made on Saturday, the 24th of Shawwal, 1366 A.H. May Allah Subhanahu tua Ta`ala help me to accomplish this work, by showering His bounties and blessings upon me, which have always been bestowed upon me both in worldly and religious matters, in growing profusion, despite my own incapability! May Allah bring it to a completion acceptable
to Him!
“And I seek aid from none except Allah; in Him I trust and to Him alone, I turn for help”.