The Prophet said, “My Companions are like the stars; whichever one you follow, you will be guided.”
The secret of the Companions’ greatness may be found in their title: Sahaba. For it was the company or the Suhba of Rasul Allah that transformed them into shining gold. Once the Prophetic radiance illumined their hearts, this group of quarrelsome, unruly tribes became a united nation of dedicated scholars, military geniuses, mighty rulers and above all, saints and mystics.
Within a century of the Prophet’s death, the Muslim empire stretched from the border of China to the Atlantic, from the Caspian Sea to the Sahara. Remarkably, there were no massacres or pillage for these men feared God profoundly, and awe of his All Seeing Presence and reverent devotion to the Prophet motivated each word and deed of theirs.
They were the essence of faithfulness to the Prophet in his lifetime and long after his death, forever striving to fulfil his teachings and aspiring to his lofty example. And thus everything they touched turned to gold.
This is an English translation (from Arabic) of the first volume of Suwar min Hayat al-Sahaba by ‘Abd al-Rahman Ra’fat al-Basha and comprises parts one to eight.